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Role based route guards

Litestar-Users provides the following guard provider functions:

  • roles_accepted: The user must have at least one of the listed roles in order to access the resource.
  • roles_required: The user must have all the listed roles in order to access the resource.


from typing import Any

from litestar import get
from litestar_users.guards import roles_accepted, roles_required

@get("/sensitive-info", guards=[roles_accepted("admin", "accountant")])
def sensitive_info() -> Any:
    """Accessible only by users with admin or accountant roles."""

@get("/super-sensitive-info", guards=[roles_required("admin", "accountant")])
def extra_sensitive_info() -> Any:
    """Accessible only by users with both admin and accountant roles."""


Usually, guard params in Litestar should not be invoked since they are called internally. We do invoke the roles_accepted and roles_required functions though, as they return callables which meet the requirements.