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Route handler configs

Simply adding any of the configuration classes below to LitestarUsersConfig will register the relevant route handlers on your Litestar application. All route paths are configurable via these interfaces:


Provides the following route handlers:

  • login: Allows users to authenticate.
  • logout: Allows authenticated users to logout. Not available when the authentication backend is JWT based.


Provides the following route handlers:

  • get_current_user: Get info on the currently authenticated user.
  • update_current_user: Update the currently authenticated user's info.


Provides the following route handlers:

  • forgot_password: Inititiates the password reset flow. Always returns a HTTP 2XX status code.
  • reset_password: Reset a user's password, given a valid reset token.


Provides the following route handlers:

  • register (aka signup). By default, newly registered users will need to verify their account before they can proceed to login. This behavior can be changed setting require_verification_on_registration to False to disable verification for new users.


Provides the following route handlers:

  • create_role: Create a new role.
  • update_role: Update a role.
  • delete_role: Delete a role from the database.
  • assign_role: Assign an existing role to an existing user.
  • revoke_role: Revoke an existing role from an existing user.


Provides the following route handlers:

  • get_user: Get user info.
  • update_user: Update a user's info.
  • delete_user: Delete a user from the database.


Provides the following route handlers:

  • verify: Update a user's is_verified status to True, given a valid token.