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Database models

The user model

The [SQLAlchemyUserMixin][litestar_users.adapter.sqlalchemy.mixins.SQLAlchemyUserMixin] provides the following columns:

  • email: str
  • password_hash: str
  • is_active: bool
  • is_verified: bool

SQLAlchemy User


Litestar-Users is reliant on the [SQLAlchemyPlugin][advanced_alchemy.extensions.litestar.plugins.init.plugin.SQLAlchemyInitPlugin] for session management and dependency injection, this ensures that no more than one SQLAlchemy session is spun up per request lifecycle.

from advanced_alchemy.base import UUIDBase
from litestar_users.adapter.sqlalchemy.mixins import SQLAlchemyUserMixin

class User(UUIDBase, SQLAlchemyUserMixin):
    """User model."""

The user model can be extended arbitrarily:

from advanced_alchemy.base import UUIDBase
from litestar_users.adapter.sqlalchemy.mixins import SQLAlchemyUserMixin
from sqlalchemy import Integer
from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped, mapped_column

class User(UUIDBase, SQLAlchemyUserMixin):
    """User model."""

    token_count: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(Integer())


You can skip the next section if you're not making use of Litestar User's built in RBAC.

The role model

For RBAC (role based access control), additionally set up a Role model along with a user-role association table.


You must set your own User.roles relationship and association table, since this is dependent on your own __tablename__ definitions.

SQLAlchemy Role

from uuid import UUID
from advanced_alchemy.base import UUIDBase
from litestar_users.adapter.sqlalchemy.mixins import (
from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey, Uuid
from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped, mapped_column, relationship

class Role(UUIDBase, SQLAlchemyRoleMixin):
    """Role model."""

class User(UUIDBase, SQLAlchemyUserMixin):
    """User model."""

    roles: Mapped[list[Role]] = relationship(
        "Role", secondary="user_role", lazy="selectin"

class UserRole(UUIDBase):
    """User role association model."""

    user_id: Mapped[UUID] = mapped_column(Uuid(), ForeignKey(""))
    role_id: Mapped[UUID] = mapped_column(Uuid(), ForeignKey(""))

Just as with the user model, you can define arbitrary custom columns:

from datetime import datetime

from advanced_alchemy.base import UUIDBase
from litestar_users.adapter.sqlalchemy.mixins import SQLAlchemyRoleMixin
from sqlalchemy import DateTime
from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped, mapped_column

class Role(UUIDBase, SQLAlchemyRoleMixin):
    created_at: Mapped[datetime] = mapped_column(DateTime(),